Thursday, February 9, 2017

On-Scene Sanitation Is Key; Rely on Safetec Wipes

Safetec, a leading U.S. infection-control and first-aid-product manufacturer, has a team of in-house specialists that provide the necessary expertise, reliability, and compliance guidance to keep workers safe from cross-contamination of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is only natural that emergency medical professionals rely on their safety-conscious products to sanitize a number of personal safety equipment-related items. The Safetec Lens Cleaner Wipes and Equipment Wipes are specifically designed to do just that. Here’s why:

Safetec Lens Cleaner Wipes

Intended for use on glass, computer screens, plastic items, safety gloves, and more, Safetec Lens Cleaner Wipes have been reformulated to allow for a faster, streak-free drying time, which results in a crystal-clear finish every time. Measuring five inches by eight inches, the wipes are pre-moistened lens tissues and are anti-static, anti-fog, and silicone-free. Looking to conveniently store and access them? Safetec Lens Cleaner Wipes are perfectly sized for your backpack, pocket, or in the ambulance’s glove compartment.

Safetec Equipment Wipes

Perfect for on-the-go cleaning and protection of personal equipment, the Safetec Equipment Wipes easily remove dirt, dust, and grime, and then are easily disposed of once you are finished with them. Measuring five inches by eight inches each, the wipes are individually packaged, premoistened, alcohol-free towelettes that can be conveniently used anywhere and on all surfaces, including respirators, hard hats, and more.

Get the trusted protection you need. For more information on the Safetec Lens Cleaner Wipes and Equipment Wipes and to get yours, be sure to visit

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